My Process

My process has evolved into applying a watercolor underpainting of mingled colors onto sanded paper. When dry applying pastel to finish. 

Dry pastels are used from hard to velvety soft, each making their own marks and quality of color. The underpainting appears as drips and glazes of transparent colors against the opaque pastels on the top layers. 

The underpainting interplays with the pastel and is visible in the final painting to add layers of depth and mystery to the scene. 

These images are of the watercolor underpainting and are followed by stages of pastel application until the finished painting image. 

Bouldering Homeward 1.jpg
Bouldering Homeward 2.jpg
Bouldering Homeward 3.jpg

Why Pastels?

Passages 13x23 Sold.jpg

Why Pastels?

Out of all of the media available to me as an artist, I chose pastels. There are many reasons, but here are the two main reasons: 

  • I love the feel of the pastels on sanded paper. It is sensuous and keeps me attentive to what I am trying to accomplish.

  • There are a myriad of colors, from subtle to brilliant, waiting to be chosen.

There is no drying time, and therefore the colors do not change. l can put my heart into my work and know it will be there not just when I finish, but years from now.