
My oil paintings are done on linen canvas or boards. Some gallery wrapped others framed.  The many layers of color are applied with various sized palette knives, fingers or objects.

There is a wait time between the layers so that fresh paint can be applied on top to create marks and thick texture.

These applications create the movement as seen in nature that add a three dimensional quality to my work. The viewer has a sense of seeing as well as feeling the scene.



Oil in Process:  Bowing Out

First Stage

First Stage

Second Stage

Second Stage





My pastel painting surface is white sanded paper.  My work began with straight pastel applied in layers.  

The new work has a pastel medium applied to the paper to produce lines and smears. When dried a water color wash of mingled colors is allowed to drip down the paper and allowed to show through in the final painting. Pastel is applied after this has dried.  An additional application is sometimes used of cold wax and dry pastel.

These layers create the texture in the finished painting adding mystery and depth to the work.   

What Lies Beyond

What Lies Beyond


Pastel in Process: The Chorus


First Stage

First Stage

Second Stage

Second Stage

